Q4 Report Card Mailing: Letter from the Head of School
June 26, 2023

The following letter accompanied students’ final report cards of the year, which were mailed home on June 20.
Dear Thetford Academy Parents, Caregivers, and Families,
We didn’t let the rainy weather dampen our spirits for the finale of the year. On the last day of school, we came together as a community, as is our TA tradition, to recognize academic and extracurricular achievements with an awards ceremony and to celebrate our seniors. We reflected on the year and marked the milestone of another grade completed. With cloudy skies hovering and a wet forecast for the evening hours, we opted to move graduation indoors this year. The Vaughan Alumni Gymnasium (built in 2010) held its second-ever graduation ceremony and was a lovely venue with plenty of space for our graduates’ family and friends.
Enclosed is your student’s final report card of the 2022-23 school year. I always recommend families take time to talk about the report card and unpack the experiences that lie behind the letter grades and teacher comments. Where were the challenges, the opportunities for big growth, a group of classmates they worked well with, a teacher they connected to, a project they enjoyed, the breakthrough moments, something they are proud of? Were there situations where they wish they’d tried harder or got more support – or both? What new ideas and skills are they taking with them from this semester, this year? And what are their goals, big and small, for their school experience next fall? These are just examples of the many questions that can open up conversations with your student; I know each of you will land on ones that are authentic for your context at home.
Please reach out if you have questions, need to return school materials, or want to connect about next school year. We have reduced staffing and hours during the summer but are available for families. We encourage you to call ahead and we can connect you to the resources you need. The front office is staffed most weeks and the counseling office is open on Tuesdays. Please note: Thetford Academy will be closed the week of July 3.
On behalf of all of us at TA, we wish you and your family an enjoyable summer season.
Carrie Brennan, Head of School