
TA News

Dear TA Families & Students, As many of you are aware, Governor Scott announced on Tuesday that Vermont schools would shift from Step II guidance to Step III starting tomorrow. This is a good sign that Vermont continues to trend in the right direction with the pandemic. (For those interested in the details, you can check out the full 33-page school guidance doc here or review the shorter 4-page FAQ memo issued yesterday that focuses on what it means to move from Step II to Step III.) The attached visual is our TA version of the state's guidance levels and the related planning we are doing as we...

We are excited to share that our Panthers will be back on the field at TA for games very soon! We will follow the COVID-19 guidelines set by the VPA and the VT Agency of Education. All fans should be aware of the following: Spectator Expectations for TA Athletics Face coverings are required while on campus for athletic events Preferably cloth and 2 ply Must wear the face covering until you leave campus There is no access to buildings on campus (Portalets are available for use) Spectator limit is 150 people Each student athlete participating in the game/meet will receive two “reserved tickets” Spectators without “reserved tickets” will...

The TA Technology Department has launched a new online resource for families learning to navigate the the remote classroom environment and new digital tools with their students. On this site, "Digital Learning at TA," you'll find: Information about best practices for using Google Classroom and Web2School to support student learning and stay informed"Get Help" section with tutorials commonly used TA tech toolsFeedback and help desk portals Digital Learning at TA is also where you can find this year's Responsible Use Agreement. Parents/guardians should watch the video with their student(s), discuss the technology expectations from both the school and family perspectives, and then...

Dear TA Students & Families, I have two key pieces of information to share with you, as we wrap up week two and our fall program continues to develop. One requires action from all families and the other requires action only if a family wants to increase a student's time on campus: 1. The required one: On the technology front ...

Friday, September 18 would have been Thetford Academy's 42nd annual Mountain Day and we are disappointed that we won't be able to climb with our students this year. Traditionally on Mountain Day, each grade tackles one mountain per year, with the goal of having hiked each of the six peaks by the time they graduate from TA. Beginning in 7th grade, students hike Mt. Cube, Black Mountain, Smarts Mountain, Cardigan Mountain, Mt. Ascutney, and Mt. Moosilauke. At TA, we're never one to back away from a challenge or abandon a tradition. There are creative ways to accomplish Mountain...

This summer, the Thetford Academy community was devastated to lose two alumni to suicide. The loss of these young lives has impacted our community deeply, underscoring the important role we can all play in supporting those in crisis. September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and we want to make sure that everyone in our school community is aware of the mental health and crisis support resources available both at TA and in our region. At Thetford Academy, we work hard to build strong connections with each student, and to make sure our students know they have adults ready to listen...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.