
TA News

Pictured above: Frank Loveland at the 2017 Mr. TA Pageant, accompanied by Eamon Deffner and Alan Xi. The pageant raises money to support the high school education of students in Rwanda via the non-profit Raise Rwanda. Photo by Dan Grossman. If there is anyone more upbeat than our March Student of the Month, it’s not clear who that person is. No matter the situation, he always manages to find the good in something or someone. This person, of course, is senior Frank Loveland. As a student, Frank is someone who shows up ready to learn and ready to get something out of...

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, testing for college has been effectively put on hold. The websites linked below will give you information regarding ongoing updates from the SATs and the ACTs, along with an article talking about how colleges are handling the situation. In short, many colleges are choosing to go test-optional temporarily, just for the class of 2021 - which could be an advantage for juniors. Some colleges are choosing to go test-optional permanently. In addition, colleges are recognizing the need for increased flexibility for current juniors who are are unable to visit colleges, take standardized tests on...

From Nurse Sue Farrell: I hope that everyone is staying home, staying healthy and getting the hang of remote learning. I miss seeing you all at school!   As difficult as it is to stay home and self isolate, understanding why we must do this helps.  This "Stop the Domino Effect" video from the CDC is a great visual to better understand why social distancing makes a difference: And with the new recommendation that you wear a face mask when leaving home, here is good information on masks from the Vermont Department of Health: Be well, Sue Farrell, School Nurse ...

Report cards for 3rd quarter were mailed to students' homes on Thursday, April 9, with the following cover letter included. Dear Thetford Academy Parents and Families, Enclosed with this letter, you will find the 3rd quarter report card for your TA student(s).  Our goal with 3rd quarter grades was to focus primarily on the learning and academic progress students demonstrated during the earlier portion of the quarter, while they were still on campus. We are well aware that students experienced a dizzying set of circumstances at the end of the quarter with the onset of a public health crisis in our communities and the rapid...

I still haven’t processed the fact the I will never have another day at TA, the place where I grew to be who I am today. It hurts my heart to know that that Tuesday was it. That my junior track season would be my last track season. My heart hurts to know that I must leave behind all I know and I’m comfortable with without a real, proper goodbye. I love TA and I always will. I know I will always long for one more day. One more boing class where the minutes turn into hours. One more music...

Hi, Panthers, I don't know about you, but I am grateful that the weather is feeling spring-like (at least on some days) and that we live in a beautiful place with lots of outdoor spaces for hiking, running, walking, etc. It makes this whole "stay at home thing" a little more tolerable. Are you getting outside, too? Here is this week's installment of resources. If you've found other awesome sites or things to do, let Rebecca know! ( 'at' Cool Things to do Online: The New York Metropolitan Opera is streaming their performancesHappy Heart Hunt Facebook GroupVisit the Great Wall of China Mental Health...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.