
TA News

I still haven’t processed the fact the I will never have another day at TA, the place where I grew to be who I am today. It hurts my heart to know that that Tuesday was it. That my junior track season would be my last track season. My heart hurts to know that I must leave behind all I know and I’m comfortable with without a real, proper goodbye. I love TA and I always will. I know I will always long for one more day. One more boing class where the minutes turn into hours. One more music...

Hi, Panthers, I don't know about you, but I am grateful that the weather is feeling spring-like (at least on some days) and that we live in a beautiful place with lots of outdoor spaces for hiking, running, walking, etc. It makes this whole "stay at home thing" a little more tolerable. Are you getting outside, too? Here is this week's installment of resources. If you've found other awesome sites or things to do, let Rebecca know! ( 'at' Cool Things to do Online: The New York Metropolitan Opera is streaming their performancesHappy Heart Hunt Facebook GroupVisit the Great Wall of China Mental Health...

Expressive Drawing and Printmaking Assignment by Emily Trage, Class of 2020 This piece turned out to be very experimental. I used a medium I’ve never used before: concentrated watercolors. I did the painting on watercolor paper using only one brush.  This tree is supposed to be a reflection of the current uncertainty regarding my future. The roots of the tree are firmly grounded, and the tree itself is strong. Towards the top of the tree, the brown fades to green branches, symbolizing new growth during this time. There are some pink clouds obscuring the sunset view, showing that while the future is...

Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) has provided the digital versions of many of their presentations. The most recent additions are Financial Aid and Managing College Costs and FAFSA Friday. Thetford Academy was scheduled to host the "Managing College Costs" presentation on March 25, 2020. This event provides a helpful overview of how families can plan and pay for college costs and reviews the different types of financial aid available to students and families. ...

To view or review the virtual sophomore class meeting that took place on Tuesday, April 7, please click here. The Counseling Department hosted this meeting to provide students with information regarding the process of electronic course registrations, as well as recommendations and thoughts from the counselors around making decisions for junior course selections. The Counseling Department is available to meet with students via phone, email, or Google Hangouts if they need support with the registration process. ...

Thetford is now included in the Orange East Supervisory Union's universal free breakfast and lunch program. All children, ages 1-18, who are residents of Thetford are eligible. Email to Thetford Families from Bridget Veracka, TES Administrative Assistant re: universal meals program and bus deliveryGrab N' Go Safety InformationThetford Bus Routes for Meal DeliveryAgency of Education Guidance for Bus Stop Meal Delivery\ Please contact Bridget Veracka at Thetford Elementary School for more details and to sign up: [email protected]. Thetford Academy is working in collaboration with TES and OESU on this program and will no longer provide daily lunch pick up at TA. Families...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.