
TA News

Welcome From TA’s Counseling Team

Hello from  the Thetford Academy Counseling Department! We are so happy to be back on campus interacting with students in person.  We learned a great deal last year, including some innovative ways we can better deliver our information and services to the community we serve.  Having entered our second week, we have now concluded the course add/drop period for semester 1 and students are off and running with their academics.  

Our Counseling Team has five members: to contact us, feel free to call or email our Coordinator Lindsey, or your student’s counselor.  

Lindsey Pierce (  ext. 235) is our new Counseling Team Coordinator.  She will be working Monday through Thursday from 8:30 and 1:30.  Lindsey will be a great resource for parents and students with general questions.  She is getting up to speed with all things Thetford Academy and can triage your needs and direct your questions in person or by email. 

Kara Toms (   ext. 298) is our SAP (Student Assistance Provider).  She can see students for counseling on a recurring, longer term basis, and also teaches on topics related to self-care, alcohol and drug prevention, and health. She will be leading the Getting To Y group that discusses campus issues and advocates for systemic change to support students.

Rebecca Walter (   ext. 228)  is our Middle School Counselor.  She helps 7th graders transition to TA, meets with students individually about academic and social-emotional concerns, and also teaches classroom lessons covering topics such as identity, goal setting, social skills, and career exploration.

Molly Dugan-Sullivan (   ext. 202) has a two-part role. She had the opportunity to meet many of you last year as TA’s Enrollment Coordinator, and now gets to work with all 9th graders as the 9th grade School Counselor. Molly will be working with all 9th graders to support their transition to TA, help them create their initial 4-year academic plan, and support them individually with any social-emotional concerns that may arise. 

Mark Pichette  ext. 225) is the 10th-12th grade School Counselor.  He will be working with students to develop career and college plans for life after high school.  This process will look a little different in every grade.  Sophomores will have classroom lessons while juniors and seniors will be seen in small groups or individually as they develop more concrete individualized plans.  This fall he will be meeting with all seniors to discuss their post high school plans and help them take the steps necessary to move towards their goals.

We have a few points of information that we would like you to make note of:

For all Thetford Academy parents/guardians:

  • Here is a link to a very short Family Demographic Survey that we are conducting to gather information about household income and family history of attending college.  We are gathering this information as a means of matching students and families with college and career resources that have specific guidelines.  Please note that the information you provide will be held in strict confidence and will be used only to help us better serve your student(s).

For parents/guardians of students who are seniors/Class of 2022:

  • On September 16th between 6pm and 7pm we will be hosting a virtual college information session for seniors and their parents/guardians.
  • Each year the military is entitled by law to contact information of students in the junior and senior classes.  We are required to send them the contact information for your student unless you wish to opt out.  You can do so by completing and returning this Military Opt Out Form.

For parents/guardians of students who are juniors/Class of 2023:

  • On Wednesday October 13th we will be administering the PSAT (practice SAT) test to all juniors.  If you and your child would like to opt out of this opportunity please fill out and return this PSAT Opt-Out Form.
  • Each year the military is entitled by law to contact information of students in the junior and senior classes.  We are required to send them the contact information for your student unless you wish to opt out.  You can do so by completing and returning this Military Opt Out Form.

This message was first sent via email on Sept. 7 to TA parents from Director of Counseling Mark Pichette.



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.