Head of School Update for Sending Towns
May 20, 2020
The following message was sent to community listservs in Thetford, Strafford, Lyme, Sharon, Tunbridge, and Topsham/Corinth ...
The following message was sent to community listservs in Thetford, Strafford, Lyme, Sharon, Tunbridge, and Topsham/Corinth ...
Dear TA Families & Students, May arrived in fine form this past weekend with blooms and sunshine. Spring is really here, and we are in the 6-week countdown to the end of the year. Hard to believe! In the TA spirit of togetherness, we are striving to foster school community, spotlight student...
Dear TA Families & Students, The daffodils are in bloom on the TA quad, providing a bit of cheer on an otherwise eerily quiet campus. We miss you all! I am writing this week with announcements and reminders related to the next phase of our spring semester: Next week is spring break and...
Report cards for 3rd quarter were mailed to students' homes on Thursday, April 9, with the following cover letter included. Dear Thetford Academy Parents and Families, Enclosed with this letter, you will find the 3rd quarter report card for your TA student(s). Our goal with 3rd quarter grades was to focus primarily on the learning...
Dear TA Families & Students, When Governor Phil Scott issued his original school dismissal order last month, he suggested it would last until April 3. In that early scenario, TA students and staff would be returning to campus tomorrow morning to resume our familiar routines. I know many of us wish...
The following message was sent home via email to all parents and students on Thursday morning, March 26 ...
A mailing was sent home on Friday, March 20 to all TA households. Below is the text of the cover letter from Head of School Carrie Brennan ...
March 19, 2020 Dear TA Parents & Guardians, How are you holding up with the new reality of remote learning and your children being at home all day? We are all trying to figure this out - families, students, teachers, the community. Thank you for doing your best and please let us know...
Quick link to Thetford Academy's Remote Learning Plan. Message from Head of School - March 18, 2020 The public health crisis caused by COVID-19 is impacting every facet of our lives in the United States and throughout the world. Each day we tune in to the news, trying to make sense of...
Letter from Head of School Carrie Brennan to students, parents, and staff, sent via email on March 17. Tomorrow we turn the experience of school upside-down and inside-out. Following our governor’s orders and public health recommendations, we will cease convening each day on our beloved Academy Road campus. Classes will move to...
We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.
We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.
We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.
We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.
We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.