
TA News

On Saturday, Nov. 2, for the first time in over ten years, Thetford Academy will host a robotics competition! About 30 VEX robot teams from VT and NH will converge on Anderson Hall at TA to play this year's game, "High Stakes." TA's team 4886, consisting of about 18 students in grades 7-11, will be competing with the six robots they have been building for the past two months. Several 4886 alumni will also be returning to help celebrate the occasion. It's an all-day event featuring about seventy 2-minute bouts, with an exciting single-elimination series to crown the champions beginning at...

Dear TA Families, My email this week features some of the many opportunities we offer for our middle school and high school students. We want to encourage them to make the most of their time here at TA and also support their exploration of what lies ahead.  Clubs, Office Hours & Power Hour Our daily schedule at TA includes a midday lunch/activity period we call 'power hour.' On Wednesdays and Thursdays, power hour is dedicated to office hours and clubs, and students have a lot of choices about how they spend their time. Students sign up each week in Alma for their preferred activities -...

Health Update October 10th, 2024 All  students who were signed up for the Flu Clinic today received their flu shots. • A special thank you to Dr. Yukica and all the staff at Upper Valley Pediatrics.  • If you missed the clinic and would still like your student to receive a flu shot they can still get an appointment for a flu shot at Upper Valley Pediatrics. Illnesses PNEUMONIA • Pneumonia is still circulating - if your student has a cough and a fever please call their pediatrician. HEAD COLD • There is a head cold going around with a lot of congestion & a cough. Rest & fluids help. COVID •...

On Monday, October 21st from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the library, Thetford Academy's Counseling Office will host a CSS profile workshop. The CSS profile is an online application used and required by a number of colleges and scholarship programs to award non-federal institutional aid. It is an important - and sometimes cumbersome - piece of the financial aid puzzle, The Counseling Office will be joined by Tyler Bergmeier, Senior Assistant Director of Financial Aid at Dartmouth College, who will share his expertise and help TA families negotiate and complete the financial aid form. With college's early action and early decision...

On Saturday, Thetford Academy once again welcomed thousands of runners and spectators from across New England for the Woods Trail Run, the school's iconic cross country event. This year's run attracted more than 50 cross country teams from across New England, with representation from Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, and New York. In an interview with the Valley News, Hanover High School's cross country coach Eric Picconi spoke about TA's challenging course. "The Woods Trail has tough terrain compared to other venues and runners have to be ready to be humbled a bit. It just tests you and...

Featured photo this week: Cider pressing! Dear TA Families, The first Saturday of October is upon us, and it's time for the famous Woods Trail Run! Everyone is invited to this community event, 10am-4pm, on the TA campus. Come cheer on the 2000+ runners from all over New England who come to race on our beautiful TA cross-country course. For more info, visit the TA website and Lancer Timing. Looking at the rest of October, here are some events to bring to your attention: PSATs for 11th graders - Oct. 9. Event contact: [email protected] Long weekend for students - Oct. 11-14. We have a teacher inservice...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.