
TA News

By Charlie Buttrey We made history!! As part of Thetford Academy's year-long bicentennial celebration, close to 70 runners and walkers were at the starting line when the blast of an 1820's-style muzzle loader shattered the morning stillness and sent them on their way to compete in the Asa Burton Bicentennial Blitz 5K race. This was a race with a twist. As the competitors traversed the Daniel Grossman Woods Trail on the TA campus, they passed more than two dozen signs containing various TA-related historical facts. After they finished, the runners were then quizzed on their retention of the facts, and their final times...

Are you fascinated by elaborate mating rituals?  Or anxious to learn the art of “hunting by thumping”? Perhaps you just want to know why a sun-worshipping creature chooses to spend much of its life under water. Or why a species once quite common throughout New England, is now scarce and endangered. Whatever your questions and concerns, you won’t want to miss the informational meeting about Wood Turtles, coming soon *(Wednesday, Oct. 24, at 7 p.m.) to a theater near you (Martha Rich Theater, Thetford Academy). At this presentation, Kiley Vincent Briggs, a Turtle Conservation Coordinator with The Orianne Society ( will enlighten us about a Wood Turtle research and conservation...

The 7th Annual THETFORD GEOGRAPHY BEE is coming up on Friday, Nov. 2, at Thetford Academy.   What is a Geo Bee?  We ask a series of multiple choice questions to three-person teams, focusing on a specific topic.  This year's theme is "Thetford and Thetford Academy."  TA is gearing up for its 200th anniversary in February, and we're getting a jump on the festivities by keeping this year's questions VERY local.  Come and show us how much you know! There are two divisions --  Youth (Grades 5-8) and Adult (Grade 9 and up).  Each division alternates answering questions, correct answers are tallied,...

TA seniors Eli Kaliski, Alden Nichols, and Maeve Curtin (Stage Manager) are featured in local playwright and TA parent Duncan Nichols' new play, Silvia and Mary at Sea, a "scary musical fairy tale" which time travels from 1968 to 1868 and back again. The play opens at The Parish Players Theater in Thetford Hill on Thursday, Oct. 11. Directed by Nora Jacobson, the play also features several TA alumni, parents, past parents, and community members, including Bettina Abrams, Ria Blaas, Brenda Danielson, Charles Goldensher, Liam Gundlach, Chris Hebb, Don Kollisch, Kate Magill, Peter Money, Duncan Nichols, Henry Nichols, and Whit Van Meter.  The play also includes...

Recently, students in Mr. Engler's Environmental Science class have been studying water quality and the cycling of nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous) throughout the ecosystem.  Their work has included a study of hydric soils at Zebedee Wetland with Charlie Hohn, a wetlands ecologist for the state of Vermont, as well as a field trip to the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in Woodstock, NH. Students explored water weirs, which are used to measure the volume of water that flows through the watershed (pictured). They also learned about  phenological/seasonal changes that are monitored on an ongoing basis. The class reflected on their...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.