
TA News

Illnesses We continue to see several viruses: RSV, influenza, Covid, rhinovirus and a stomach virus. Students get over one virus and then are vulnerable to picking up another virus. Students, if sick please stay home until you are better so you protect yourself and those around you.To get better: extra sleep, lots of fluids, gargle with warm salt water for the sore throats, don't share food or water bottles.Thetford Academy has 6 people out with Covid this week, about 20 students out daily with viral or bacterial illness. Students in need of emotional support Please reach out to your parents, a counselor, the school nurse,...

During the two weeks before Thanksgiving break, many students helped "put the garden to bed." English classes, social studies classes, and even advisories helped out with various activities. 7th grade English and Creative Writing took turns planting next year’s garlic with this year’s harvest as seed. Cooking for Health cleaned out the greenhouse and planted strawberries that will ripen in June. Kristen Downey’s 8th grade advisory "tucked in" our new blueberry bushes with a good weeding session and a thick layer of wood chips. Food Justice harvested napa cabbage, daikon radishes, and even our own ginger to make a big...

Dear TA Families, We came together as a whole school on Tuesday to share a meal of gratitude. It was the first time since Fall 2019 that we were able to do so. I am sending along a few photos to share the experience. I think everyone enjoyed the food, the company, and the sense of community. On behalf of all of us at TA, I wish everyone a wonderful holiday weekend with family and friends. In gratitude, Carrie Brennan, Head of School ...

Each year, on the last Tuesday in November, Thetford Academy celebrates the global generosity movement GivingTuesday. At TA, like many nonprofit organizations around the country and the world, GivingTuesday is a launch to our giving season. With the power of your philanthropy, we can fulfill TA's our mission to celebrate the unique worth of all students, to nurture their strengths, and to challenge them to fulfill their potential. This year, we're excited to kick off giving season with you. We'll be sharing stories from our students, alumni, and community members about how this "independent school with a public purpose"...

Malcolm Silver-Van Meter will be hosting a fundraiser at TA for his Heartbreak on Murray Hill project in December. Malcolm Silver Van Meter ‘18 shot parts of Agincourt (his last film as a high school student and submission piece for admission to NYU’s film school) in Thetford Academy’s Martha Jane Rich Theater. The film, a collaboration with classmates Hallie Zens ‘18 and Alex MacVeagh ‘18, required an awful lot of real dirt brought indoors for its French farmhouse set. The buildings and grounds staff were supportive, though it probably wasn’t their favorite student production. “God, that was so much fun,” Malcolm...

   There is a severe children's bed shortage in all New England hospitals because of an increase in respiratory viruses. We are seeing a tremendous amount of RSV, a respiratory virus, which can make babies very sick and in need of hospital care; some babies are being cared for in emergency room hallways. In teenagers and adults RSV looks like a common head cold. Please be thoughtful with Thanksgiving gatherings. If you are sick stay home until you are better so you protect the ones you love!! This is yesterday's message from the Vermont Department of Health: Increased Respiratory Viral Activity, Especially Among Children, Straining Vermont Health Care Systems A...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.