
TA News

Saturday was a big day for Thetford Academy's VEX Robotics Team 4886–their first competition of the season and the first in-person VEX event for VT/NH since the state championships in February of 2020. The VEX kickoff event, hosted at Manchester Community College, brought together 23 student teams from 6 schools to compete in VEX's "Tipping Point" Challenge. TA's robotics team members brought five robots to the event: String Theory - Aden Perry '24, Connor Kutter-Walker '26, and Duncan MacPhee '27Waluigi - Caleb Crossett '25 and Andre Whiteberg '25 Skunkworks - Eldon Crossett '23 and Avery Crandall '23 Turbo-encabulator - Tate...

The following letter accompanied student report cards for first quarter, which were sent home with students on November 1. Dear TA Parents and Guardians, We hope your student had a good first quarter and is feeling acclimated to the routines and expectations of our renewed full-day experience and daily schedule. While Covid continues to cause certain compromises and challenges this year, we can all celebrate a return to the richer academic experience of in-person teaching and learning. Enclosed with this letter is your student’s first quarter report card. I encourage you to take time with your student to carefully review the grades and...

Dear TA Families, Campus was buzzing with activity and anticipation today. Multiple teams were gearing up for major competitions: the boys and girls varsity soccer teams both have playoff games this afternoon (too early to call), the varsity cross country teams host the state championships here at TA tomorrow, and the robotics team travels to Manchester, NH tomorrow for a VEX robotics competition.  Club meetings happen on Fridays during Power Hour, so there is often extra activity and energy midday - and today was no exception. One of today's highlights: the German club was out and about around campus doing a traveling...

Psychologist Bill Ketterer, who works with students at Thetford Academy and other Upper Valley schools, was honored last week by the American Psychology Association with the 2021 Distinguished Contributions of Applications of Psychology to Education and Training Award. "Dr. K" as he is known by students and colleagues alike, was recognized for the deep impact he has made on the field through his student-centered "applied relationship model." Ketterer outlines the model in his 2019 book Reducing Anger and Violence in Schools, which the APA describes as a "clearly written guide for increasing self-esteem to prevent and reduce violence and anger...

Thetford Academy's "Getting to Y" teams are back in action this fall, continuing their work to create positive change in our school community. Last year, with generous support from a Mount Ascutney Prevention Partnership Prevention Network Grant, TA joined schools from all over Vermont to participate in this UP for Learning youth leadership program. Starting with each school's Youth Risk Behavior Survey data, GTY uses an action research model and peer and community engagement to give students the tools they need to make a difference in school culture. Each year, GTY teams start the school year with statewide training events...

Dear TA Families, Lots to share today in all arenas - academics, student well-being, and athletics/activities. Thanks, in advance, for making the time to read today's email, and I encourage everyone to follow a few of the links for a deeper dive too. There is so much happening at TA every week - news to share, accomplishments to celebrate, events to get on the calendar. I can't capture it all, but hope these weekly highlights help us stay connected as a school community. ACADEMIC UPDATES: Today marks the end of the first quarter of the 2021-2022 school year. Report cards will be processed...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.