
Author: Ellen Gnaedinger

Tick Season Deer ticks are out - daily tick checks resume. Shower & wash clothes if you are out in tick territory. Ellen's Lyme Disease prevention video  Dental Van The Ronald McDonald Dental trailer is returning to TA: May 15 -18.  Students can get their teeth cleaned and if they have cavities or need sealants the dentist...

Teeth, Happy Teeth The Ronald McDonald Dental trailer is returning to TA from May 15th -18th.  Students can get their teeth cleaned and if they have cavities or need sealants the dentist provides that care. Please return the sign-up forms to the health office as soon as you can. Sign up form...

Teeth The Ronald McDonald Dental trailer is returning to campus at the beginning of May.  Students can get their teeth cleaned and if they have cavities or need sealants the dentist provides that care. If you'd like to sign-up, please contact Nurse Ellen. Illnesses We are seeing less viral illness right now. Hurrah. If your...

Illnesses We are seeing a lot of head colds, viral sore throats/cough/congestion. Please keep students home when they have NEW onset of symptoms. I am allowing students to be in school who have congestion that is getting better, and post viral cough. For the congestion: decongestants are helping. You can try Sudafed (generic), Dayquil,...

Illnesses We are seeing more Covid this week and continue to see influenza, mononucleosis and strep throat. We also have students with head colds and sore throats.If you are sick, please remember to stay home until better. How to get better: stay home, get lots of rest, extra sleep, lots of fluids...

THC Vape Pens If these are brought onto campus, they cause students serious health risks as well as serious disciplinary consequences. Parents, please take time to talk to your teens about the very real concerns and the health risks of THC and other substances such as opioids. Students if you have used a...

llnesses We are seeing more influenza, upper respiratory illnesses; RSV, rhinovirus & Covid. If you are sick, please remember to stay home until better. How to get better: stay home, get lots of rest, extra sleep, lots of fluids and gargle with warm salt water if you have a sore throat. Thetford Academy...

Illnesses We are still seeing upper respiratory illnesses; influenza, RSV, rhinovirus & Covid. If you are sick, please remember to stay home until better. How to get better: stay home, get lots of rest, extra sleep, lots of fluids and gargle with warm salt water if you have a sore throat. Thetford...

Welcome back to school. I hope everyone had a chance to rest over the holiday break. Illnesses We are seeing less illness at TA this week. That is really good news. If you are sick please remember to stay home until better How to get better: stay home, get lots of rest, extra sleep, lots...

Holiday Meal If your food budget is tight this winter there is a Holiday meal available through the Thetford Food Bank, please contact their Director, Mary Allen or Nurse Ellen if interested in this program.  The gift cards are available at the Thetford Food Shelf, under the town hall, Tuesday and Thursday...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.