
TA News

Dear TA Families, The 7th graders took us around the world with their culture fair on Tuesday, the Mamma Mia! cast will transport us to Greece this weekend, and Madame Heinzmann is gearing up to bring back an international trip to Europe next spring!  France/Spain Trip Planning - April 2025 TA is traveling to Paris, Provence and Barcelona over April vacation in 2025. Students in high school grades next year who have taken at least 2 years of French or Spanish, or who take a language course in the 2024-2025 school year, are eligible. To find out more, there are two parent/guardian information sessions: Monday, May...

Illnesses  We have had a few cases of a stomach bug, a few cases of viral sore throat, one case of strep throat and 2 cases of Covid. • NEW -- Protocol for return after Covid is here: Thetford Academy Health Office/COVID page • If you need a Covid test kit, please come to the health office.  - Covid Frequently asked Questions There are Measles Cases in Several U.S. States Measles can cause severe illness including blindness and deafness. Vaccination against measles does an excellent job preventing this illness and complications. Please be mindful if your student is unvaccinated and you are planning on traveling. Link to map showing states with measles cases When Outside: Please check daily...

A home for orphans in Zimbabwe called "The Forty-Two" was the focus of Thetford Academy's Operation Day's Work (ODW) this year. According to the American Foundation for Children with Aids (AFCA), the Forty-Two is the effort of a single mother named Gertrude who is providing safe haven for 42 orphaned Zimbabwean children. After a long year of drought and a wind event that damaged the children's shelters, Gertrude has been relying on community support to operate her orphanage safely. To help, AFCA (whose organization is a former recipient of ODW funding) applied to ODW on Gertrude's behalf - and TA students...

An enormous thank you to the more than 100 donors who contributed to Thetford Academy during our Day of Giving campaign this year! With your help, we met the $25,000 participation challenge from the Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation and brought nearly $50,000 to TA programs. As always, we are grateful for our TA family whose enthusiastic support for our students is unequivocal and unmatched. This community support, from generations of alumni, families, neighbors, and friends, allows us to offer students a wide range of academic and extracurricular opportunities and to try new things to meet student needs. It helps...

Dear TA Families, We have a lot of gratitude for the incredible parent efforts to make Teacher Appreciation Week a special one for all of us who work at TA - the teachers especially, and also the support staff and admin, all of us working together to support students and the school. The food and flowers and notes of appreciation were nourishing for our bodies and souls. Thank you! This week's email comes with a couple of more 'asks' for parents - and we hope you'll oblige ...

Thetford Academy's Day of Giving is just one week away! On May 15, 2024, we'll will celebrate our 7th annual Day of Giving, exploring the deep roots and connections that have supported our students and programs for more than 200 years. We're excited to share stories from our alumni and friends about how TA has impacted them, what they're excited about at TA today, and what they hope for Thetford Academy's future. This year, we're also excited to share that the Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation has challenged Thetford Academy to meet a goal of 50 alumni donors and 50 community...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.