
TA News

As we head into the new academic year, we welcome not only new and returning TA students back to campus, but also a talented slate of new faculty and staff. Some of these staff members joined the team in the spring or summer, and some are just getting started this week with orientation and faculty in-service. We are delighted to officially announce the following new members of the TA team and hope you will join us in welcoming them to our school community. Leah Boch, World Languages Faculty and Thetford Outdoor Program CoordinatorDecenda Cram, Accounts Payable CoordinatorEllen Gnaedinger, School...

The following information was sent via email to all students and parents on August 16 by Athletic Director Blendon Salls. Hello Everyone, We are just a few days away from high school tryouts and a week away from the start of middle school athletics.  If your student is interested in participating in Fall Athletics please fill out the Athletic Handbook for registration purposes.  Below is the schedule for the first few days of fall practices: High School Boys Soccer TryoutsThursday (8/19) and Friday (8/20) -- 4:30 to 6PMHigh School Girls Soccer TryoutsThursday (8/19) and Friday (8/20) -- 4:30 to 6:15PMHigh School Boys/Girls Cross Country Thursday (8/19)...

The following letter from Head of School Carrie Brennan and a packet of back-to-school related information was sent home to students on August 9. Dear Thetford Academy Parents, Guardians, and Students, It’s hard to believe - two weeks from tomorrow we come together to launch the 2021-2022 school year! I look forward to welcoming all of our students, new and returning, on our first day, Tuesday, August 24. Here at TA we have been busy preparing for the start of the new year. This back-to-school mailing includes important information and forms for families, so that your planning can begin as well. Please review...

Thetford Academy is excited to welcome more than 75 new students from towns all across the Upper Valley–and the world–to our community this year. On Sunday, August 22, TA will host a "New Student Welcome" event to give all new-to-TA students and families the opportunity to better familiarize themselves with our campus and community before the first day of school. Student ambassadors will team up with new students to help them find their lockers, the location of each of the classrooms on their schedules, and all the important places and spaces to know on campus. There will be time for...

Dear Colleagues, In a week’s time we will come together to launch a new school year. Our ranks here on campus will swell from a small team of about 10 to a powerhouse of almost 70 educators and school staff. Imagine the collective energy, good ideas, and muscle power of such a team! Not just any group, but our awesome TA team.  Whether it’s our first or fifth or thirtieth year at Thetford Academy, we each have so much to offer to the barnraising-level of effort it takes getting a new school year off the ground and making it the best possible...

The Strafford and Thetford Energy Committees are collaborating with WindowDressers (WD), a nonprofit organization, to make 300 custom-built, interior storm window inserts for Strafford and Thetford residents. In Thetford, the group is also working with Thetford Elementary School to make 125 insulating window inserts for the school, with the goal of to reducing TES's energy use, making the school more comfortable, and saving on school energy costs. Michael Kiess, Joint Thetford Energy Committee chair, is seeking community volunteers to help assemble the inserts. No experience or special skills needed and all are welcome and encouraged to participate. Workshops will be at...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.